Having a good oral hygiene routine is important in keeping one’s gums and teeth healthy. It includes habits like brushing two times a day and having regular checkups. Many people neglect to take good care of their teeth and gums, which can lead to oral health issues.

Without treatment, gum problems or tooth decay can result in pain, self-esteem concerns, and tooth loss. These issues may lead to speech problems, malnutrition, and other struggles in a person's life.

People can avoid these problems with proper dental care, both in their homes and with the orthodontist in Ocean Township NJ. The following are ten tips on how to maintain your oral hygiene routine.

10 Tips For Maintaining Your Oral Hygiene Routine

#1 - Brush Your Teeth Before Bed

Everyone knows that the general recommendation is to brush at least two times a day. Yet, a lot of us continue to forget to brush our teeth at night. But brushing before bed eliminates the germs and plaque that pile up throughout the day.

#2 - Brush Your Teeth Properly

How you brush is just as important. Actually, if you do a poor job of brushing your teeth, then it is almost as terrible as not brushing at all. Don’t rush the process. Move your toothbrush in gentle, circular motions to get rid of the plaque. Leftover plaque can harden, resulting in gingivitis.

#3 - Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

You probably already know you need to change your toothbrush within two to three months, or the moment the bristles get frayed, but if you’re using a hard-bristled brush, it’s best to replace it immediately. They can be very abrasive and damage your teeth and gums over time.

Most people are perfectly fine using a soft-bristled brush. And there’s no need to be vigorous when brushing, too. It’s bad for your gums and teeth. Instead, try using a gentle amount of pressure by tilting the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the gum line and brushing in short and circular motions.

#4 - Clean Your Tongue, Too

It is possible for plaque to also build up on your tongue. This not only leads to horrible mouth odor, but it can also result in other oral health issues. Brush your tongue gently each time you brush your teeth.

#5 - Fluoride Toothpaste is Key

When it comes to selecting your toothpaste, there are more important factors to look for besides whitening capabilities and flavors. Whichever version of toothpaste you pick, make sure it has fluoride.

Even though fluoride has some controversy from those who worry about how it impacts other aspects of health, this substance is vital in oral health. This is due to fluoride being a pioneering defense against tooth decay. It fights germs that can lead to decay, as well as provides a barrier of protection for your teeth.

#6 - Don’t Neglect Flossing

A lot of those who brush regularly forget to floss. Flossing is more than just for getting little food particles, such as broccoli, that are stuck in between your teeth out. It is also another way to keep the gums stimulated and reduce plaque and inflammation in the area. Floss for at least a day to be able to reap these benefits.

#7 - Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash is necessary for maintaining one’s oral health. However, a lot of people neglect them because they have no clue how they work. In case you’re unfamiliar, mouthwash helps in three ways–It re-mineralizes the teeth, reduces the amount of acid in the mouth, and cleans hard-to-reach areas in and between the gums. Mouthwashes are useful as a supplementary tool to help restore things to balance. A mouthwash is particularly helpful for children and older people, where the ability to brush and floss may not be feasible.

Ask your orthodontist for mouthwash recommendations. There are specific brands that are best for kids and those with sensitive teeth. There is also a prescription mouthwash available.

#8 - Drink A Lot of Water

Water remains to be the best drink for your overall health, and that includes your oral health as well. Dental health professionals recommend drinking water after every meal. This helps to wash out the negative effects of acidic and sticky foods and drinks in between brushes.

#9 - Visit Your Orthodontist Every Six Months

The daily habits you have are very important to your overall oral health. However, even if you are diligent in brushing and flossing your teeth, you still need to pay a visit to the orthodontist in a regular manner. At a minimum, you should see your orthodontist for checkups and cleanings two times a year or every six months. 

The orthodontist not only gets to remove and look for cavities, but they can also spot possible issues early on and offer the appropriate braces or Invisalign treatment in Ocean Township NJ.

Some dental insurance companies include regular dental checkups as part of the coverage. If your coverage includes this, then take advantage of it. Having regular dental checkups is very helpful, especially if you have a case of dental concerns such as frequent cavities or gingivitis.

#10 - Don’t Eat Too Much Sugary and Acidic Food

Did you know that sugar converts into acid in the mouth, which can cause the enamel of your teeth to erode? These acids result in cavities. Coffee, fruits, and teas that are acidic can also wear down the enamel of your teeth.

You don’t necessarily have to get rid of these foods and beverages out of your diet completely, but it pays to be mindful of what you eat and drink.

oral hygiene routine


At Monmouth-Ocean Orthodontics, we want to make sure that all of our patients practice a good oral hygiene routine to prevent the development of serious oral health problems. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your oral hygiene routine, you can send us a message, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Schedule an appointment with us today, and let us help you achieve perfectly healthy gums and teeth for a more confident you!